Int. J. of Comp. & Info. Tech. (2015), 3(4): 808-868. An International and Professional Journal in the Areas of Computer Since, Engineering and Information Technologies.
Note: All papers are changing to the new format, and will be uploaded as soon as. Volume 3, Issue 4, November 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Various Types of Attacks in VANETs Yasser Safinejhad, Mehran Abdali*
Sahar Omrani, Mostafa Jafari *
Reza Pirayesh *, Sahar Zhaleh Khojasteh, Vahideh Alipoor
Masoud Rafighi, Nasser Modiri*, Yaghoub Farjami
Using artificial Intelligence Techniques to Explore the Relationship between Virtual Learning and Educational Performance of the Students Hossein Fathi, Reza Samizadeh*
Semi-Automatic Ontology Extraction by Parsing HTML Pages of Specific Domains M Kadkhoda *, M-R Pourkhani |
pp. 808- 813
pp. 814- 830
pp. 831- 841
pp. 842- 856
pp. 857- 868
pp. 869-874 |
Hits: 8217